Calculation of indicators on different aggregation levels
Visum allows indicators to be calculated in different granularity. Passenger kilometers, costs, and revenues, for example, can be calculated for vehicle journeys of specific line using low-floor buses between 6 and 7 a.m. in the municipal territory. Or have the passenger kilometers calculated for each operator in your model, to divide the fare revenues between the operators.
The indicators can be calculated as follows.
- Differentiated according to territory, for example local authorities such as counties or districts (User Manual: Carrying out the procedure PuT operating indicators)
- spatially differentiated according to stop points (User Manual: Carrying out the procedure PuT operating indicators)
- According to operating companies
- Temporal distinction through freely adjustable time intervals within a day, or – if a calendar is used – within a week or a year. This is possible independently of the procedure PuT operating indicators (User Manual: Adjusting the general procedure settings).
- Differentiated according to the objects of the line hierarchy. These include main lines, lines, line routes, line route items, time profiles, time profile items, vehicle journeys and vehicle journey items
There are different levels of detail for assigning indicators to territories or stop points. To calculate indicators on these levels of detail, apply the procedure PuT operating indicators (User Manual: Calculating PuT operating indicators). The results of the procedure can be found in the PuT detail lists for territories or stop points. In detail, the indicators can be calculated object-wise on the following levels (this concerns indicators from the PuT assignment as well as the procedures PuT operating indicators and Line blocking):
Territory |
Stop point |
Territory x Transport system |
Stop point x Transport system |
Territory x Operator |
Stop point x Operator |
Territory x Main line |
Stop point x Main line |
Territory x Line |
Stop point x Line |
Territory x Line route |
Stop point x Line route |
Territory x Time profile |
Stop point x Time profile |
Territory x Vehicle journey |
Stop point x Vehicle journey |
Territory x Transport system x Vehicle combination |
Stop point x Transport system x Vehicle combination |
Territory x Operator x Vehicle combination |
Stop point x Operator x Vehicle combination |
Territory x Main line x Vehicle combination |
Stop point x Main line x Vehicle combination |
Territory x Line x Vehicle combination |
Stop point x Line x Vehicle combination |
Territory x Line route x Vehicle combination |
Stop point x Line route x Vehicle combination |
Territory x Time profile x Vehicle combination |
Stop point x Time profile x Vehicle combination |
Territory x Vehicle journey x Vehicle combination |
Stop point x Vehicle journey x Vehicle combination |
A relation from stop points and stops to the stop point PuT details allows access via indirect attributes and aggregation to further levels.
- Stop point x Transport system
Below you can see an example of such aggregation levels. If a Visum model has two territories (west, east) and three transport systems (bus, tram, train), indicators are calculated for each combination of territory and transport system on the level territory x transport system. The result is 2 x 3 = 6 elements.
Territory |
TSys |
ServiceKm |
PassengerKm |
East |
Bus |
2,776.88 |
17,219.58 |
East |
Train |
1,611.57 |
21,094.72 |
East |
Tram |
6,796.78 |
187,312.42 |
West |
Bus |
538.57 |
9,671.80 |
West |
Train |
323.14 |
5,803.08 |
West |
Tram |
5,703.52 |
214,538.25 |
Note: Not every indicator is available for all aggregation levels. In the file IndicatorAvailability.xls under ...Program files\PTV Vision\PTV Visum 2023\Doc\Eng you will find tables that show you the aggregation levels at which the indicators are available. |
Note: If for some lines there is no allocation to main lines or if no operator has been allocated, classes without names are created for the corresponding aggregation levels, which summarize these services. |